As you can see, Shelbi got her hair cut. She did this for Locks of Love!

She looks so grown up!

After we got home she was swinging her head around and said "Now we'll never have to cut my hair again." Little does she know. :)

She's so silly!

Cannon LOVES to play outside. He doesn't care what we're doing
as long as it's outside!

One thing he won't do yet is go down the big slide by himself.
Somebody has to be standing there holding his hand or foot or something.
He does love sliding down but not solo just yet. :)

He's not tall enough to sit in the swing but he loves swinging on his belly.
Man, you can kick up a big dust storm if you kick fast enough. :)

Cannon is getting so big. He's not mastered the tricycle just yet
but he can reach the pedals!
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