We finally got Cannon's 1 year pictures taken. If my head weren't attached I'd be in trouble. We're so busy I just kept forgetting. Cannon's doing good and learning fast.
He was eating lunch the other day and finally got finished. I said "All done!" and like a little parrot he followed up with " AAAADAAAA" In baby that mean All done. He's such a big boy.
We had a little scare yesterday, Cannon had a febrile seizure during his nap. We took him to the Dr. shortly after and he sent us to the ER here in town. They ran some tests and per Dr's orders we went by ambulance to Children's ER in Little Rock. Cannon was taking an extra long time to come out of it and that's what worried the Dr. When we arrived at Children's Cannon finally started coming around and perking up little by little but by that time he'd already had a long day so he took himself a little nap and finally it was OK to go home. The final diagnosis: Febrile illness/ febrile seizure. The Dr's office will be making an apt for Cannon to have an EEG at Children's soon so keep us in your prayers. I know my God is an awesome God and Cannon is His. I will do my best to lay Cannon at His feet. I know the Lord is in control and everything will be okay. Cannon's acting more like himself today. I'm just gonna keep my chin up. Thank you Lord!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cannon's 1 year pictures
Posted by The VincentScene at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: 10-21-08
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Our vacation...
We roasted marshmelows and made smores, which I've never had before. Mmmm good!
We were in the Bear cottage. Very nice!
Chad and Jason got a little closer. How sweet!
We had a nice quiet time.
Posted by The VincentScene at 4:59 PM 0 comments
We went fishing and Jason baited our hooks. Chad was in charge of his and Julie's. Yes, the men cleaned up too. It was soo nice.
Our friends Chad and Julie.
Posted by The VincentScene at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Oct 9-11th Watson, OK
Aaaaawww how sweet
My sweet baby boy. We were sitting in the living room watching TV and I look over and saw this. He climbed in his car seat and went right to sleep. Can you say Kodak moment!
Posted by The VincentScene at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Oct 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Going, going............Gone!
Posted by The VincentScene at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you......
Cannon had a great birthday party! He had a great turn out and enjoyed his day very much! He had a dump truck birthday cake. Pawpaw helped him open his presents and what 1 year old boy doesn't need a 4 wheeler. Which by the way he'd rather push:) So funny! We enjoyed everyone being there it was one wild and busy day but I wouldn't trade a minute of it!
Posted by The VincentScene at 10:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Sept 27th
We have a big boy!
Can you believe it? Cannon turned a year old Sept 25th. He's sooo big. He pretty much just skipped walking altogether and now he's running every where. He's into everything all day long, except nap time. Thank you Lord for nap time. :) He's a sweet boy but don't think you're gonna get a hug and a kiss. He's waaaay to busy for that. He'll wave high and bye but stay out of the way when Cannon's comin through! ;)
Posted by The VincentScene at 10:02 PM 0 comments